Ukraine’s drone attacks show how life is increasingly dangerous for Russians and Moscow seems unable to neutralise them


Ukraine's drone attacks show how life is increasingly dangerous for Russians and Moscow seems unable to neutralise them

It was a very active and potentially very significant night in the skies over Ukraine and Russia.

The most drones and missiles were thrown at Ukraine since Spring, but it is what happened earlier in Russia that is important.

Kyiv launched its biggest drone attack on Russia since the war began, with Pskov, a city in northwestern Russia, the most significant target.

Spectacular pictures show huge columns of smoke lit up by explosions on the ground there.

Ukraine's drone attacks show how life is increasingly dangerous for Russians and Moscow seems unable to neutralise them

Pskov’s airbase is 700 miles from Ukraine, only 40 miles from Estonia, the most northern of the Baltic states.

But it has played a big role in this war, shifting Russian military assets on huge transporter planes.

A number of those giant airlifters were damaged, say the Russians, from the pictures more likely destroyed.

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There are two major points to note here.

First, the obvious one that needs repeating: Vladimir Putin launched this war, he says, to make Russia safer.

The opposite keeps happening.

Ukraine is enhancing and expanding its drone capability and Russia seems unable to neutralise it.

Ukraine's drone attacks show how life is increasingly dangerous for Russians and Moscow seems unable to neutralise them

That is making life more and more dangerous for Russians.

Last night’s drone attacks forced Russia to halt flights at Moscow’s main airport again.

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War is moving again

The second is to do with the timing.

After months of stagnation the war seems to be moving again.

Ukraine’s counteroffensive appears to be gaining traction, pushing through Russia’s formidable defensive lines near Zaporizhzhia.

The picture is confused and messy but its advances in the Robotyne area will be alarming to the Russians.

If Ukraine can push through further it will pour forces into the breach and race for the sea.

Russia will try and stop it.

Transporter planes are vital to move men and material across a country as big as Russia.

Destroying them will be a strategic priority for Ukraine.


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